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所在地区: | 广东 佛山 |
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发布时间:2012-03-23 00:40:09
Europe HIGH DREAM will be established in France
-----------HIGH DREAM makes its first step in oversea market station directly.
According to the official news, Guang Dong high dream intellectualized machinery co., Ltd will set up a subsidiary company in France in February 2012. This is the first overseas subsidiary of high dream which will service for the whole European market. The main business scope of Europe HIGH DREAM will include selling, distribution of multihead weigher, spare parts and after-sales service. This will greatly help high dream to understand and develop the local market and provide efficient service.
Europehigh dream will use advanced technology of the parent company to develop and transfer high quality and accuracy multihead weigher to meet the European market demand. It will bring convenience to the local distributors by s***ing tr***eling time. It will also s***e the freight expenses and be able to solve customer’s problems quickly.
High dream manager expressed they will build more oversea subsidiaries in future. Some Japan companies questioned high dream multihead weigher’s production in the past, but it turns out high dream products stand the test of time.
China machinery market globalization is the trend. On one hand, overseas subsidiaries promote the sales of facilities which help customers and agents to get high quality after-sales service. On the other hand, local subsidiary can meet the local market demands in reducing service costs and building brand awareness. The establishment of Europe high dream will represent an important first step for high dream globalization processing.
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